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An 8 week Journey to Restore Your Health 

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Food is Medicine

Transform your relationship with food while upgrading to healthier eating habits that nourish your body, mind, and spirit.

Ditch the diet culture and learn to love food again. 

Clear your food trauma drama for good!






Create more ease and pleasure in your life through somatic awareness, gentle detoxification and nourishing your body & mind with recipes & rituals that support your life force energy.

Balance your hormones, moods, sleep, and weight through releasing foods, habits, thought patterns, and old programs that have been holding you back from feeling amazing and thriving in all areas of your life.

Practice cyclical living and eating habits that support your hormones, liver, and womb vitality.  Feel more confident in your food choices, and more excited and joyful to be in the kitchen creating delicious nourishment your whole family will love!

Fitness Ladies

Love Your Body 

Shift your energy and habits to shift your perception.  Love who you are and what you see when you look in the mirror.  Feel balanced and whole in your radiant vibrant healthy Self!


Calm Your Mind

Incorporate daily and weekly rituals that clear your nervous system so you can feel steady and at ease no matter what life brings.  Have a flexible perspective to effectively operate optimystically.


Ignite Your Spirit

Turn on your inner spark of creation by connecting to your muse.  Activate and maintain your Shakti life force energy daily.  Enhance your magnetism to skillfully manifest with ease!

Can You Imagine Your Life Without:

  • Suffering from chronic gut imbalances and symptoms like:
    headaches, low energy, oral thrush, constipation, migraines, achy joints,  inflammation, painful periods, pms, pcos, fibroids, back pain

  • Low energy or fatigue

  • Chronic health conditions that keep being misdiagnosed and going from Dr. to Dr. 

  • Struggling with healthy eating 

  • Struggling with emotional eating

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Boost Your Vitality


  • Balance your hormones

  • Upgrade to healthier eating habits that nourish your body, mind, and spirit

  • Ritualize Your Life to Align to Your Highest Joy

  • Increase pleasure & youthful glow in your body

  • Increased fertility, creativity & life force energy

  • Learn and practice cycle synching

  • Magnetize Your Desires & Serve from Overflow & Inspiration

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